Depression, anxiety, addiction, and many other psychiatric disorders benefit significantly from talk therapy. If you have a mental health problem, our team at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can help. At our offices, staff offers effective treatments for patients experiencing the devastating effect of poor mental health. You can benefit from their expertise in therapy by calling Pure Psychiatry of Michigan or booking an appointment online today.

What is therapy?

In psychiatry, therapy takes many forms, but they all revolve around talking with an experienced professional. Talk therapy or psychotherapy might help you overcome specific problems, or it can address more deep-seated psychological issues.

Your therapy sessions at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan are a collaboration between you and your therapist. Therapy helps you achieve better insights into your emotional challenges, behavior, and personality.

Who can benefit from therapy?

Anyone willing to commit to the process can benefit from talk therapies. Therapy is a vital element of treating most psychiatric illnesses, including:

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Depression

  • Social anxiety disorder

  • Panic disorder

  • Phobias

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Addiction

  • Schizophrenia

Therapy also plays an important role in helping people with behavioral or developmental problems, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

When should I consider therapy?

Therapy can be helpful for anyone experiencing problems like overwhelming sorrow, hopelessness, worthlessness, excessive anger, worry, nervousness, or intrusive thoughts.

If you’ve lost interest in the activities you once loved, experience thoughts of self-harm or suicide, withdraw from your family and friends, and have difficulties managing your school, work, or home life, these are all warning signs that you could require therapy.

What does therapy involve?

The method your therapist recommends depends on which approach they believe suits you and your condition best. For example, people with anxiety disorders and OCD often benefit greatly from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT shows you how to recognize faulty thought processes and adjust them, so you cope better with everyday life.

If you have severe depression, you might find an approach like insight-oriented psychotherapy is a more helpful option. This type of talk therapy looks at the problems underlying your condition, such as traumatic life experiences and memories that you haven’t properly processed.

You might benefit from using both these techniques and other options like group therapy. In most cases, patients combine talk therapy with medication or other treatments for optimal benefits.

How often do I need therapy?

The frequency of your therapy depends on your condition and its severity. Most patients at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan attend therapy sessions at least once a week. You can attend more frequently if you and your therapist agree it would be beneficial, but this needn’t be an inconvenience thanks to the practice’s secure telepsychiatry facility.

You might only need therapy for a short time, but many patients experience continuing emotional growth by attending sessions over a longer period.

To find out more about the expert therapy services available at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan, call their office or book an appointment online today.


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